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A View From Redhill

For a cleaner, greener world

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About this website

This blog is a view ‘from’ Redhill, Surrey, as much as ‘about’ the area. Subjects will be about anything that catches the author‘s fancy, but with the focus mostly on the environment. Most likely they will be about sustainability, the climate emergency or gardening. The author is a journalist with communications manager experience at an environmental charity, covering everything from blogging and editing annual reviews to PR, social media and campaigns. This blog has begun because Twitter’s 140 character limit is just too short for a fully structured discussion of an issue! The author does not expect deference or agreement with his views – local, national or in between – only that they form a starting point to inform, irritate or ignite debate in any proportion you wish to take them. They could be irreverent, irrelevant (to you), seem ignorant (no thesis has all the facts), invigorating or infuriating in equal – or unequal – measure. Enjoy!